TatraDAS 2.9.9 - 1. August 2009
- added - SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 instruction sets
- added - open file by drag & drop
- added - more options in console versions (save as project, DAS, NASM, etc.)
- added - calls of imported functions are now detected one level higher (call x, x: jump [0x...])
- fixed - NASM export much more usable now
- lot of bugs fixed, see changelog for details
TatraDAS 2.9.8 - 27. December 2007
- almost evething was refactorized, many parts rewritten
- heavy optimization - running time cut by 60%
- many bugs discovered and fixed
- changed - memory addresses in code sections instead of code section relative
- added - imported functions in NE files
- added - sorting of columns in Import and Export tabs
- added - highlighting of active line in disassembly view
- changed - new icon set, thank you Maros
- removed - Instruction count option from Advanced disassemble dialog
TatraDAS 2.9.7 - 23. December 2004
- added - "Follow Jump/Call" enabled in case of jump/call/loop references
- added - UNICODE strings
- fixed - "End of section", "Code begins" data change
- fixed - floating point data change (single & double)
- fixed - stability in case of "Stop"
- fixed - some instructions (size of operand, opcode, prefix etc.)
- new - some new icons
TatraDAS 2.9.6 - 31. May 2004
- imported and exported functions in NE file format
- hexeditor improved
- SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions (AMD)
- Goto Bookmarks' shortcuts in main menu (Alt + XX)
- all messages can be translated
- many bug fixes (undefined opcodes, invalid exported functions etc.)
TatraDAS 2.9.5 - 2. April 2004
- basic ELF(Linux & comp.) file format support
- it's now able to use your own localization files(translations of TatraDAS)
Current version: 2.9.9 1. August 2009 |